Charles D Shell

Star Trek Medicine Sucks

Throughout a lot of science fiction series, I’ve seen a great deal of “future medical technology”, and frankly, it sucks. Mostly. Mind you, the primary culprits tend to be television and movies. Novels often have crappy medical science as well, but not to the same extent. And sure, I understand a lot of the reasoning […]

The Berserker Stories

(Originally posted on October 25, 2017) The late, great Fred Saberhagen created a series of stories and books about a race of genocidal machines called “Berserkers”.  These machines were named so after the Norse Berserker warriors, although they are even more terrifying. As the lore goes, an ancient race known only as The Builders created […]

Hopeful Science Fiction Versus Hopeless Science Fiction

(Originally posted on March 22, 2017) I have noted a disturbing trend in science fiction recently. By ‘recently’ I mean ‘the last few decades’.  Science fiction and science fiction fandom apparently has a civil war going on.  On the one hand, you have the old school hopeful science fiction.  The kind of SF that has […]

Moments of Coolness #3: Wrath of Khan first skirmish

(Originally posted on May 21st, 2013) Okay, for you youngsters out there you might not realize how groundbreaking Wrath of Khan was.  You just see the repeated jokes with Shatner screaming “KHAAAN!” and not think much more of it.  See, thing about it is, back in 1982 when it was first released, it hit like a bomb. […]