(Originally posted on
Most people seem to love the 1996 blockbuster movie Independence Day. I am not one of those people. I can’t stand it. I’m also not a fan of Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich, who crafted this “masterpiece”.
When I started this blog, I wanted to concentrate on things I actually liked. Many friends complain to me that “I hate everything”. So I figured I’d go with a positive vibe. However, I have come to realize that occasionally I need to clear the air about my hates. So I’ll start with a big one. This damn movie.
The first time I watched this movie (in the theater) I didn’t think it was awful. It wasn’t that impressive, but I just shrugged. I watched it on the Fourth of July with a bunch of friends in a jovial atmosphere. Many months later, I noticed it playing on cable late night and thought “what the hell, let’s give it a second watch”. It was only this time, as I watched it without the hype and the group of friends I had seen it with the first time, that I realized just how awful it is. I remember thinking: “Jesus! Was this really this bad before?”
Here is why.
We’re here with evidence that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
Technical Stupidity
Let’s start with the easy stuff–the technical flaws.
Okay, first we get this super-advanced alien race coming to Earth to conquer it in mile-long spaceships. They’ve mastered anti-gravity, force fields and projected energy weapons. Apparently, however, they haven’t figured out satellites, because they didn’t bring any of their own. They have to use terrestrial satellites to coordinate their attack. Sure, apparently they have thousands of smaller craft they could use for this, but instead want to use Earth satellites because…reasons? Apparently so the plucky Earth scientists could figure out what you were doing.
Second, if you have this level of technology and all you want to do is level the planetary civilization, why enter the atmosphere? Hell, why exert yourself at all? Drop a few hundred small asteroids and watch the fireworks. Easy as pie. You don’t even have to look at those pesky Earth vermin.
Third, if you have a force field which can withstand a hydrogen bomb, why would you need to send out a bunch of fighters to deal with primitive Earth fighters, armed with lesser weapons? Just ignore them. Seriously. This is like an aircraft carrier flying a sortie with fighters because pelicans are smacking into the side of the ship.
Fourth, if you have a force field around your smaller ships which is apparently just as impervious as the one around the big ship, why would running into the ground damage it?
Fifth, if you have an alien with an exoskeleton battle suit, how does Will Smith knock it out with a punch?
Sixth, hacking an alien computer language in a day with a Mac? Really?
I should punch out Iron Man now! I am GOOD!
The Character Void
Now we come to the harder stuff. Characters. Or lack thereof.
This movie has the emotional depth of a puddle. There is absolutely nothing beyond the surface. Nothing. Zero, zip, Nada. I’ve seen public service announcements with more gravitas.
Don’t worry, honey. Mom will die, but she’ll die to give this movie the illusion of depth.
The aliens blow up cities in a dramatic fashion, killing millions. At what point do we see flash-burned survivors digging through rubble, trying to find their loved ones? People succumbing to despair and perhaps committing suicide? Genuine horror and shock? The only inkling of real emotion is when the First Lady croaks. That’s it.
When the pilots get ready to attack after cities have been incinerated, do they pray, scream to heaven, panic, etc.? Any of them? No, it’s “Let’s light the fires and kick the tires!” to go kick alien butt! Wee-hoo! Everybody reacts like this is just a minor thing. Compare this with the 2011 Battle Los Angeles reactions from the Marines. They’re all obviously scared and confused, but go out to face the enemy anyway. That movie has flaws and cliches, but at least I actually believed the emotions of the characters. I could identify with them. They felt real.
In Independence Day, I might as well have been watching robots.
Millions of incinerated people almost makes us mad. Or sad. Something.
Don’t get wrong, there are some decent actors in the movie. Will Smith does his best with what he’s given, but it’s thin and he’s not a wizard. I also doubt he minded much, since this movie catapulted him to super-stardom, but you’ll notice he wisely declined to participate in the sequel.
Nobody reacts like people. They react like animated cut-outs that superficially resemble people. It’s actually a little creepy. Remember when Randy (“I’ve gone crazy”) Quaidsuicides into the ship? His son witnesses this. His son, who finally discovers his father isn’t crazy and was right for years, so now he has a chance to reconnect with him. How does he react to this ironic tragedy? He says something to the effect of how proud he is of him and he smiles. Are you kidding me?! How about some tears? Deep regret? Something?!
Take that, Star Whackers!
And finally, the aliens. They’re a complete blank slate other than “We’re bad and we want to kill you”. Nothing that wrong with a cryptic enemy if that fits. Unfortunately, it usually fits with a grim or horrific motif. Independence Day isn’t trying to be grim…I think. I honestly don’t know what kind of tone they were shooting for. Some kind of depth of motivation would have helped with the aliens. Something. Anything to flesh them out or make them interesting. But we got nothing.
I hope you gentlemen are here to extract me from this shitty movie.
There are a few other annoying details, but they’re minor. This covers the main, hideous flaws. This movie was the beginning of my hatred for Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich (or as I like to call them, the “Twins of Satan”) but their rape of Godzilla (1998) was the last time I paid a penny to see their abominations. (shudders)